Grand Bouquet
Grand Bouquet
Grand Bouquet
Grand Bouquet
Grand Bouquet
Grand Bouquet
Grand Bouquet

Grand Bouquet

Regular price$110.00
Pick your palette
Add a glass, hobnail vase?


Say the most with our biggest, fluffiest bouquet of farm-fresh flowers! This extra large bouquet is packed full of seasonal blooms, lots of floral flair, and extra, extra love! Perfectly sized to make a can never go wrong with sending all the flowers.

Stem count: 20-25 stems


Flowers and vessels will vary depending on the season, our current inventory, and farm/market availability. 

Special requests? Please let us know in the 'additional info' box above and we will do our absolute best to accomodate! 


Keep in mind: The product illustration is meant to convey overall size & shape in comparison to other products. Our design prioritizes quality over quantity. The "size" of a bouquet will vary depending on the season and what blooms/foliage are available. We guarantee quality and stem count (and if we have abundance, we always design above the noted stem count). If you're looking for a more artful, statement arrangement, please order a large or grand arrangement!

For transparency: We are proud to be a foam-free, eco-friendly, farmer-florist floral studio. Our offerings are vastly different than your traditional flower shop. If you love seasonal, bespoke, locally grown flowers delivered in compostable/recyclable packaging, we're your shop. If you prefer a dozen roses and filler designed in green, floral foam and wrapped in plastic, we would not be a good fit. Thank you for understanding!

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